Department of Geography and the Environment
Paul Adams received his Bachelor of Environmental Design from the University of Colorado-Boulder in 1984 (Special Honors), and his MS and Ph.D. in geography from University of Wisconsin-Madison (1990, 1993). Since 2003 he has been Director of the Urban Studies Program and Chair of the Communication Geography Specialty Group of the Association of American Geographers. He was a Fulbright Research Fellow at the University of Bergen, Norway, in fall of 2010. He was a visiting Fulbright Fellow and Thomas O. Enders Fellow at McGill University and University of Montreal, Quebec, in fall semester, 2001.
Adams regularly teaches GRG305, This Human World (introductory human geography) and URB301, Introduction to Urban Studies, as well as URB315, Urban Studies Research Methods and GRG390L, Research in Geography. He has also taught Geographies of the Information Society, Statistics for Policy Design, and graduate seminars addressing geopolitics and representation.
Adams applies various geographical lenses to communication, addressing communication infrastructure, communication as a social process, and communication as an element of individual experience.
Geopolitical aspects of identity and digital surveillance, Personal identity formation relative to social and technological contexts, Analysis of cell-phone based GPS tracking.