Internet of Things: Securing the Identity by Analyzing Ecosystem Models of Devices and Organizations

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Ryan Anderson
Kai Chih Chang
Razieh Nokhbeh Zaeem
K. Suzanne Barber
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The Internet of Things has become an integral part of our daily life. Its combination of network and emerging technology interlaced with each other results in a complicated environment that is left to us to understand and interact with. Information travels in the cyber world, not only bringing us convenience and prosperity but also jeopardy. Protecting this information has been an issue and commonly discussed in recent years. One type of this information is Personally Identifiable Information (PII), often used to perform personal authentication. With total cost of more than $40 billion since 2006, several reports of theft and fraudulent use of PII have been released. An all-embracing technique and system is needed in order to protect users from identity theft. In this paper, we present the Identity Ecosystem, a comprehensive identity framework that contains a mathematical representation of a model of Personally Identifiable Information attributes for people, and two novel models, devices and organizations, that have strong connections with the PII model of people. This research aims to combine the above three models and leads to better prevention against identity theft and fraudsters.

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Internet of Things: Securing the Identity by Analyzing Ecosystem Models of Devices and Organizations, K. Chih Chang, R. Nokhbeh Zaeem , K. Suzanne Barber, UT CID Report #19-02, April, 2019.